The Scottish Power Update!!!


So here we go then.

I got home from work at 4:10 and there was a meter van outside my house – he was waiting for me…

He let me get in the house and then rang the door and started to complain that nobody had been in when he knocked earlier which was news to my wife, two sons, mother in law and cat who had all been home since lunchtime.

Anyway he opened up the cupboard with the meter in, took one look at it and and said “Nope, not doing it. You need to cut an access hole in the wall and I ain’t doing it.”

And off he went!

Scottish Power and I have been chatting on Twitter and they have been really good about it having updated my complaint and are going to issue me with two lots of compensation – one for today and one for last week which was the the appointment that never was even though it was.

I’m still going to moan like buggery about it and demand more compensation for the leave I’ve lost relating to this – I’ll let you know how I get on.

Next on my blog will be a review of a book I’m just about to finish and it’s a bloody great read so look out for that soon.

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